New blog

Hi. This is my new blog. Again. Here I’ll post some how-to’s and description of my projects. Probably. I hope won’t abandon it again.


If you want to read shorter chaotic twitter-like posts, you can also follow my rss-only feed: Here I share the links to projects of my interest and other stuff.

About the blog generator

update: I’ve published the repo here.

update 2023-08-03: moved the repo here

The main part of the blog generator is just a makefile. Make tracks files that changed and generates the repective html output. For markdown to html conversion I use lowdown translator. As for the two “dynamic” files, index.html and the rss feed, they are generated using shell scripts with here-docs as templates. I think it works well enough for this case and it doesn’t require a whole macro processor, like m4 or php.

Later, I’ll add formula convertion from LaTeX to MathML at the generation stage. For now, something like Temml would do the job client-side.