Nex is a simple internet protocol designed for distributed document retrieval. It’s inspired by gopher and gemini.
Nex is like a cross between gemini and gopher. To get a content of a nex page user sends a selector through a TCP socket. The directories are in plaintext with rocket links like in gemtext. Unlike in gemini, in nex there’s no TLS encryption between server and the client. Reading a page is as simple as using netcat/
echo '/' | nc 1900
With the protocol as simple as this, there aren’t many clients for it. So, I’ve hacked together a
bare-bones browser in bash, called User can follow links by typing their number in the
There are other nex browsers out there.
=> nex:// <= . * . + . N i g h t f a l l E X P R E S S . * . * . ' , Welcome to Nightfall City's Express Transportation System -- Nex! Nex is the best way to enjoy the city's landmarks and scenic views. The shuttles are operated by Nightfall City's Rail Company and boast modern design and comfort for its users. . ' [ Information ] * Nex is a little internet protocol inspired by Gopher and Gemini. + => nex.txt Read More => browsers.txt => servers.txt [ Stops ] Want your own stop? Get space by sending me an email at m15o at posteo dot net => m15o/ [ Stations ] => nex:// 1) . 5) servers.txt 2) .. 6) m15o/ 3) nex.txt 7) nex:// 4) browsers.txt #?